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2016-10-10 量子科学中心 点击:[]

10月11日范珩研究员报告通知发布者:量子科学中心 发布时间:2016-10-10

  • 量子中心学术报告



    报告人: 范桁 中国科学院物理研究所研究员

    1990年北京大学毕业,1996年西北大学获得博士学位。1999-2005年分别在日本东京大学和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校做科研工作,2005年入选“百人计划”回物理所工作,“973”课题负责人。研究领域为量子计算和量子信息,发表论文200余篇,其中2篇Nature Communications,8篇Phys. Rev. Lett./Phys. Rev. X, 其它Phys. Rev.文章80余篇,一篇综述性论文发表在Physics Reports上。论文被引用2300余次,h因子24, Scientific Reports编委。

    摘要:Quantum coherence is the fundamental reason for the significant phenomena differing from our everyday life such as uncertainty principle, entanglement and contextuality in quantum mechanics. By quantifying coherence, we observe that quantum coherence as resource should satisfy relations due to uncertainty principle in entropic representation. Experimentally, we demonstrate the coherence resource and entropic uncertainty relations in three measurements bases by a natural three-dimensional solid-state system: the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in pure diamond. The experimental data agrees well with theoretical expectation. The natural indivisible three dimension of spin-1 quantum state shows the principle of coherence and superposition not resulting from entanglement or non-locality. The entanglement-enhanced phase estimation in NV-diamond system will also be reported.


    1.G. Q. Liu, Y. R. Zhang, Y. C. Chang, J. D. Yue, Heng Fan* and X. Y. Pan*, Demonstration of entanglement-enhanced phase estimation in solid, Nature Communications 6, 6726 (2015).

    2.F. Franchini*, J. Cui, L. Amico, Heng Fan*, M. Gu, L. C. Kwek, V. Korepin* and V. Vedral, Local convertibility and the quantum simulation of edge states in many-body systems. Phys. Rev. X 4, 041028 (2014).

    3.Heng Fan, Y. N. Wang, L. Jing, J. D. Yue, H. D. Shi, Y. L. Zhang, and L. Z. Mu, Quantum cloning machines and the applications, Phys. Rep. 544, 241-322 (2014).

    4.D. Wang, Z. Liu*, J. P. Cao and Heng Fan*, Tunable band topology reflected by fractional quantum Hall states in two-dimensional lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 186804 (2013).

    5.J. Cui, M. Gu, L. C. Kwek, M. F. Santos, Heng Fan and V. Vedral, Quantum phases with differing computational power, Nature Communications 3, 812 (2012).

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