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2013年7月-现在: 师资博士后(讲师),东北师范大学物理学院.




  1. 高维杨-巴克斯特方程研究及其在量子纠缠中的应用,国家自然科学基金青年基金(编号:11405026),资助23万,

  2. 项目负责人,2015.1—2017.12 2. 拓扑基的各类实现及相应物理模型的研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金(编号:11175043),资助58万,参与,

  3. 2012.1—2015.12 3. 东北师范大学理论物理量子操控团队研究和交流平台,国家自然科学基金,30万,参与人,2015.01-2015.12


1.Gangcheng Wang, Chunfang Sun, Bo Liu, Ying Liu, Yan Zhang, and Kang Xue, 'Topological Basis Associated with B–M–W Algebra: Two-Spin-1/2 Realization', Physics Letters A, 379 (2015), 1-4. 2.Gangcheng Wang, Chunfang Sun, Chunfeng Wu, Bo Liu, Yan Zhang, and Kang Xue, 'Multipartite D-Level Ghz Bases Associated with Generalized Braid Matrices', EPL (Europhysics Letters), 108 (2014), 10001. 3. Taotao Hu, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun, Gangcheng Wang, Hang ren, Quantum teleportation and dense coding via topological basis, Quantum Information Processing 12(10), 3369-3092(2013). 4. Guijiao Du, Kang Xue, Gangcheng Wang, et.al., The Berry phase subject to q-deformed magnetic field, Quantum Information Processing 12(2), 815(2013). 5. C. Sun, L. Gou, Gangcheng Wang, et.al., The Haldane-Shastry spin chain and the topological basis, Annals of Physics 333, 34-46 (2013). 6. B. Liu, Kang Xue, Gangcheng Wang, et.al., Quantum correlations in the “q-deformed" Werner state, International Journal of Quantum Information 11 (02), 1350018 (2013). 7. C. Sun, Kang Xue, Gangcheng Wang, et.al., The quantum spin chains of Temperley- Lieb type and the topological basis states, Quantum Information Processing 12(9), 3079-3092(2013). 8. Gangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, et.al., Yang-Baxter R_ matrix, entanglement and Yangian, Quantum Inf Process 11 (6), 1775-1784 (2012). 9. Chengcheng Zhou, Kang Xue, Lidan Gou, Chunfang Sun, Gangcheng Wang, Taotao Hu, Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra, topological parameter and Berry phase, Quantum Information Processing 11(6), 1765(2012). 10.  Sun, C., Kang Xue, Gangcheng Wang, et.al., A study on the relations between the topological parameter and entanglement, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics 376 (45), 2873-2879(2012). 11.Guijiao Du, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun, Gangcheng Wang, Chengcheng Zhou, THE TOPOLOGICAL BASIS REALIZATION OF FOUR-QUBIT XXZ SPIN CHAIN, INT J QUANTUM INF, 10 (2), 1250021(2012). 12. Chengcheng Zhou, Kang Xue, Gangcheng Wang, Chunfang Sun, Guijiao Du, Birman-Wenzl-Murakami Algebra and Topological Basis, COMMUN THEOR PHYS, 57 (2), 179(2012) 13.  C. F. Sun, K. Xue, Gangcheng Wang, et.al., The topological basis realization and the corresponding XXX spin chain, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 94 (5), 50001 (2011). 14. Lidan Gou, Kang xue, and Gangcheng Wang, "A 9 × 9 Matrix Representation of Birman—Wenzl—Murakami Algebra and Berry Phase in Yang—Baxter System," Communications in Theoretical Physics 55 (2), 263 (2011). 15. Gangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun, Taotao Hu, Chengcheng Zhou, and Guijiao Du, "Quantum Phase Transition Like Phenomenon in a Two-Qubit Yang-Baxter System," International Journal of Theoretical Physics 49 (10), 2499-2505 (2010). 16.  Taotao Hu, Gangcheng Wang, Chunfang Sun, Chengcheng Zhou, Qingyong Wang, and Kang Xue, "Method of constructing braid group representation and entanglement in a 9× 9 Yang-Baxter system," Reviews in Mathematical Physics 21 (9), 1081-1091 (2009). 17.  Chunfang Sun, Taotao Hu, Gangcheng Wang, Chunfeng Wu, and Kang Xue, "Thermal entanglement in the two-qubit systems constructed from the Yang-Baxter R matrix," International Journal of Quantum Information 7 (5), 879–889 (2009). 18.  Chunfang Sun, Gangcheng Wang, Taotao Hu, Chengcheng Zhou, Qingyong Wang, and Kang Xue, "The representation of Temperley-Lieb algebra and entanglement in a Yang-Baxter system," International Journal of Quantum Information 7 (6), 1285-1293 (2009). 19.  Chunfang Sun, Kang Xue, and Gangcheng Wang, "Entanglement and Berry phase in a 9 × 9 Yang–Baxter system," Quantum Information Processing 8 (5), 415-429 (2009). 20. Gangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun, and Qingyong Wang, "Entanglement and Berry Phase in a (3×3)-dimensional Yang-Baxter System," International Journal of Theoretical Physics 48 (10), 2865-2875 (2009). 21. Gangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, et.al., Temperley-Lieb algebra, Yang-Baxterization and universal gate, Quantum Inf Process 9 (6), 699-710 (2009). 22.  Gangcheng Wang, Kang Xue, et.al., Entanglement and the Berry phase in a new Yang-Baxter system, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (12), 125207 (2009).

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