姓名:杨立平 |
职称:副教授 |
职务:无 |
学历:研究生 |
Email:yanglp710@nenu.edu.cn |
出生日期:1987-10-12 |
办公地点:环境楼5楼-量子科学中心 |
2020.11 --- 至今, 东北师范大学,副教授
2016.10 --- 2020.10,Purdue University(美国普渡大学), 博士后
2014.07 --- 2016.10,北京计算科学研究中心, 博士后
2009.09 --- 2014.07,中国科学院理论物理研究所, 理论物理专业, 理学博士
2005.09 --- 2009.07, 东北师范大学, 物理学系物理学专业, 理学学士
自旋光子学 (Spin Photonics),量子光子学 (Quantum Photonics),单光子探测 (Single-Photon Detection),量子缺陷系统 (Quantum Defects),等。
1. Li-Ping Yang, Farhad Khosravi, Zubin Jacob, Quantum spin operator of the photon, arXiv:2004.03771.
2. Li-Ping Yang and Zubin Jacob, Single-photon pulse induced giant response in N > 100 qubit system, npj Quantum Information 6, 1-6 (2020).
3. Li-Ping Yang, Chinmay Khandekar, Tongcang Li, and Zubin Jacob Single-photon pulse induced transient entanglement force, New J. Phys. 22, 023037 (2020).
4. Li-Ping Yang and Zubin Jacob, Quantum critical detector: amplifying weak signals using discontinuous quantum phase transitions, Opt. Express 27, 10482 (2018).
5. Li-Ping Yang, Hong X Tang, and Zubin Jacob, Concept of quantum timing jitter and non-Markovian limits in single photon detection, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013833 (2018).
6. Y. Wu,Li-Ping Yang,Y. Zheng, H. Deng,Z. Yan,Y. Zhao, K. Huang, W. Munro, K. Nemoto, D.-N. Zheng, C.-P. Sun, Y.-X. Liu, X. Zhu, and L. Lu, An efficient and compact switch for quantum circuits, npj Quantum Information 4 , 50 (2018)
7. Li-Ping Yang, C. Burk, M. Widmann, S.-Y. Lee, J. Wrachtrup, and N. Zhao , Electron Spin Decoherence in Silicon Carbide Nuclear Spin Bath, Phys. Rev. B 90, 241203(R) (2014).
8. S. Chesi, Li-Ping Yang, and D. Loss, Dephasing due to nuclear spins in large-amplitude electric dipole spin resonance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 066806 (2016).
9. Lan Zhou, Li-Ping Yang, Yong Li, and C. P. Sun, Quantum Routing of Single Photons with a Cyclic Three-Level System , Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 103604 (2013).
10. Li-Ping Yang, C. Y. Cai, D. Z. Xu, Wei-Min Zhang and C. P. Sun, Master equation and dispersive probing of a non-Markovian process, Phys. Rev. A 87, 012110 (2013).