理论物理前沿讲座第五期通知发布者:量子科学中心 发布时间:2016-11-22
报告人:杭超 副研究员 华东师范大学 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室
报告时间:11-24 星期四 下午2:00
报告地点:量子科学中心 六楼会议室
报告摘要:We propose a realistic physical scheme to investigate the nonlinear propagation of lights in an atomic system with PT symmetry. The system we suggest is a cold three-level atomic gas with two species and is driven by control and probe laser fields. We show that by the interference of two Raman resonances a highly adjustable probe-field refractive index with PT symmetry in one and two dimensions can be realized. We further show that it is possible to produce various light solitons when the weak nonlinearity of the probe field is taken into account. Due to the resonant character of the system, the light solitons obtained in one and two dimensions have extremely low light power. In addition, we demonstrate that the stability of these light solitons can be actively controlled via PT phase transition of the system.