7月22日胡悲樂教授讲座发布者:量子科学中心 发布时间:2015-07-23
胡悲樂教授,美国马里兰大学物理系教授,1947年出生于重庆,先后在美国加州大学伯克利分校获得学士学位,美国普林斯大学获得博士学位。长期从事广义相对论、量子引力理论、量子信息等研究领域的前沿工作,取得了非常多的高水平研究成果,是国际引力物理学界的资深专家。曾在Phys. Rev A, Phys. Rev. D, Phys. Rev. Lett 等权威期刊上发表150余篇论文,多次主持国际学术会议并作特邀报告。
One exemplary investigation we carried out recently in Quantum thermodynamics field is whether quantum entanglement can be maintained up to some high temperatures. We compare the case of a model system S of two coupled oscillators interacting with a common thermal bath [4-6,7] with the case when each oscillator is coupled to its own bath, kept at different temperatures [8]. Our present study of quantum systems with bilinear and time-independent coupling 1) proves the existence of a NESS by considering the heat transfer in the total system-environment complex [9] and 2) compares the entanglement at high temperatures between a system a) in equilibrium, and b) under the NESS condition. These studies serve to discern the true physical causes of a system’s ability to sustain quantum entanglement at high temperatures, if at all.