题目:Robust single-qubit gates by composite pulses in three-level systems
报告人:施志成 福州大学 副教授
时间:2021年07月13日 下午 3:00
摘要:Composite pulses are an efficient tool for robust quantum control. In this work, we derive the form of the composite pulse sequence to implement robust single-qubit gates in a three-level system,
where two low-energy levels act as a qubit. The composite pulses can efficiently cancel the systematic errors up to a certain order. We find that the three-pulse sequence cannot completely eliminate the first
order of systematic errors, but still availably makes the fidelity resistant to variations in a specific direction. When employing more pulses in the sequence (N > 3), the fidelity can be insensitive to the variations
in all directions and the robustness region becomes much wider. Finally we demonstrate the applications of composite pulses in quantum information processing, e.g., robust quantum information transfer
between two qubits.
报告人介绍:施志成,福州大学副教授,硕士生导师。2010年毕业于福州大学。2013年于福州大学物理与信息工程学院获硕士学位,2016年于大连理工大学物理与光电工程获博士学位。2016年起任职于福州大学。研究领域主 要包括基于腔QED系统的量子物理与量子信息,近年来主要从事基于脉冲设计的鲁棒量子控制。在国内外学术刊物发表SCI论文60余篇